Celebration of Philanthropy - CLCF
Celebration of Philanthropy - CLCF
Healthcare Career Central - Charlene Simons
Healthcare Career Central - Charlene Simons
Louisiana Central - Ucore
Louisiana Central - Ucore
Paragon Casino Resort - Resort Amenities
Paragon Casino Resort - Resort Amenities
Cleco Volunteer Group - Christmas Lights at Alexandria Zoo
Cleco Volunteer Group - Christmas Lights at Alexandria Zoo
Louisiana Central - Beaver Lake Renewable Energy
Louisiana Central - Beaver Lake Renewable Energy
Glass Act Recycling - #1 - Overview
Glass Act Recycling - #1 - Overview
Washington Parish School Board Testimonial - Washington, LA - Ugly Mug Marketing
Washington Parish School Board Testimonial - Washington, LA - Ugly Mug Marketing
Cleco PowerWise Program - Eunice High School Testimonial
Cleco PowerWise Program - Eunice High School Testimonial
Explore Alexandria LMA 2023
Explore Alexandria LMA 2023
Celebration of Philanthropy - CLCF
Healthcare Career Central - Charlene Simons
Louisiana Central - Ucore
Paragon Casino Resort - Resort Amenities
Cleco Volunteer Group - Christmas Lights at Alexandria Zoo
Louisiana Central - Beaver Lake Renewable Energy
Glass Act Recycling - #1 - Overview
Washington Parish School Board Testimonial - Washington, LA - Ugly Mug Marketing"The Washington Parish School System is a rural school district located in southeastern Louisiana. We have a continued commitment to excellence and improvement." - Washington Parish School Board Website "Our name, Ugly Mug Marketing, stems from the belief that the results should never be compromised - not even for the sake of "good" design. We would rather an "ugly" design that delivers results, than a "beautiful" design that doesn't. The day we begin focusing on winning awards, instead of delivering results for our clients, is the day our business has lost its way.We believe in, and practice, the fundamentals of great design - and that starts with the three "C's" of design. Contrast. Composition. Content. Unlike most, we believe Content is the most important of the three "C's" of design. It's difficult to deliver remarkable results without a clear understanding for the audience the design is intended to communicate with, and what message will resonate with that audience." - Ugly Mug Marketing Website
Cleco PowerWise Program - Eunice High School TestimonialCleco is letting their customers know about their new PowerWise Program that is designed to help them save on their electric bills and make their homes as energy efficient as possible. All video and editing done by Elliott Racca Photography
Explore Alexandria LMA 2023
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